Unix 用户的配置文件一般存储在以 .
开头的文件中,这些文件被统称为 “dotfiles”。
本文讲述了一种极其优雅的通过 git 备份和恢复 dotfiles 的方法。
初始化 git 仓库
6初始化 git 仓库
git init --bare $HOME/.dotfiles
指定 git 仓库和工作树路径并创建指令别名,简化操作
cp -a .bashrc{,.bak} && echo "alias dotfiles='git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'" >> .bashrc && source .bashrc
git status 不显示未跟踪的文件
dotfiles config status.showUntrackedFiles no创建远程仓库,比如
4dotfiles add .zshrc
dotfiles commit -m "add .zshrc"
dotfiles remote add origin ${git_repo}
dotfiles push
1 | 把 dotfiles 克隆到本地临时目录 |
git 参数讲解
git init --bare ${path}
Create a bare repository. If GIT_DIR environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory.
目录创建一个空的 git 仓库。git --git-dir=${git_dir}
Set the path to the repository (“.git” directory). This can also be controlled by setting the GIT_DIR environment variable. It can be an
absolute path or relative path to current working directory.Specifying the location of the “.git” directory using this option (or GIT_DIR environment variable) turns off the repository discovery that
tries to find a directory with “.git” subdirectory (which is how the repository and the top-level of the working tree are discovered), and
tells Git that you are at the top level of the working tree. If you are not at the top-level directory of the working tree, you should tell
Git where the top-level of the working tree is, with the –work-tree=${git_dir} option (or GIT_WORK_TREE environment variable)If you just want to run git as if it was started in ${git_dir} then use git -C ${git_dir}.
指定 git 仓库的路径。
git --work-tree=${path}
Set the path to the working tree. It can be an absolute path or a path relative to the current working directory. This can also be
controlled by setting the GIT_WORK_TREE environment variable and the core.worktree configuration variable (see core.worktree in git-
config(1) for a more detailed discussion).指定工作树的路径。
git clone --separate-git-dir=${git_dir}
Instead of placing the cloned repository where it is supposed to be, place the cloned repository at the specified directory, then make a filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to there. The result is Git repository can be separated from working tree.
把 git 仓库克隆到指定的目录
下,然后做一个与文件系统无关的 git 符号链接到该目录。从而使 git 仓库和工作树分离。
这里需要搞懂 git 的两个概念: “git 仓库” 和 “工作树”。
假设我们使用 git clone git@github.com/seven/dotfiles
把远程仓库克隆到了本地的 dotfiles 目录。dotfiles
目录就是 git 仓库的路径。
- 可以为不同的系统或者不同的电脑创建不同的分支
- 可以通过灵活指定 git 仓库和工作树路径,达到备份其他文件的目的
- Hacker News
- The best way to store your dotfiles: A bare Git repository
- Dotfiles - ArchWiki
- 用 Chezmoi 管理配置文件